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Showing posts from September, 2011

Millennial: Android Mobile Ad Impressions Up 48 Percent, iOS Remains Flat

In August, Millennial actually combined connected devices and smartphones when breaking out the OS impression share. That’s significant because iOS and Android share can include tablets into factoring presence on the network. And last month, Android was in the top spot with a 54% share, while iOS was in second with a 28% share. Rim followed with 13% share. TechCrunch

Gartner: Apple iPad Will Be Top Tablet Through 2014

The analysts at Gartner have released a new report today, detailing tablet market trends and forecasts. Not surprisingly, their findings confirm the obvious: the iPad is killing it. According to the firm, the Apple iPad will account for 73.4% of tablet sales worldwide this year, and no other platform besides Android will have more than a 5% share of the market during this time. In addition, Apple will continue to have more than 50% of the tablet market until 2014, according to research VP Carolina Milanesi, a stat that she attributes to Apple’s foresight to create this market in the first place, and Apple’s “superior and unified user experience across its hardware, software and services.” TechCrunch Gartner

rhomobile mobilize your enterprise apps

Use your web skills to write NATIVE apps once and build for ALL smartphones with Rhodes 3.0. Write and build apps online with RhoHub. Easily integrate with enterprise apps and synchronize data to devices with RhoConnect. The result: Unmatched Developer Productivity Synchronized Data and Easy App Integration Cross-platform One Codebase, Every Smartphone rhomobile

iCloud Data Storage Guidelines

Folders and meanings application_home /Documents Data will be automatically backed up by iCloud application_home /Library/Caches Data that can be downloaded again or regenerated should be stored in that directory application_home /tmp Data that is used only temporarily should be stored in the directory and deleted if not used any more iCloud Data Storage Guidelines

Titanium: Releasing Memory

- It’s true that you can’t manually manage your application objects’ reference count in iOS applications. There are, however, things you can do to free up memory – the big ones in the 1.x product are closing windows (which releases all UI resources associated with the window) and setting references to a proxy object (like one returned by Ti.UI.createXXX) to null, which will release the resources associated with that object. Why you should stay away from Titanium

Nielsen: Social Media Report

US-Amerikaner aller sozialen Schichten und Altersgruppen verbringen inzwischen einen bedeutenden Teil ihrer Online-Zeit in sozialen Netzwerken und mit der Lektüre von Blogs. Dabei wuchs die mobile Nutzung sozialer Netzwerke innerhalb eines Jahres um 62 Prozent. In der Altersgruppe der über 55-Jährigen verdoppelte sich die Anzahl derer, die soziale Netzwerke über ihr Mobiltelefon besuchten (+109 Prozent). 97 Prozent aller Social-Media-Nutzer greifen über den Computer auf Facebook & Co. zu, 37 Prozent nutzen dazu mittlerweile (auch) ihr Mobiltelefon. Hinter GPS ist der mobile Zugriff auf soziale Netzwerke das meistgeschätzte Feature von Smartphone-Besitzern, Social-Networking-Apps stehen hinter Spielen und Wetter-Apps auf Platz 3 der am meisten heruntergeladenen Anwendungen für Smartphones. Heise Nielsen

Gartner, IDC: Windows Phone To Steal Second Place From iOS By 2015

If you passed elementary math, you know there’s only so much market share to go around. If Windows Phone goes from a 4.3 percent share to control 20 percent of the market, that means another platforms growth is sure to slow. According to Gartner, Apple’s iOS will be the one to do so, growing from a 16 percent market share in 2010 to just 17 percent in 2015. Meanwhile, Android is poised to maintain control with growth from a 23 percent share in 2010 to a massive 49 percent in 2015, reports Bloomberg. TechCrunch

PhotoAppLink Ties iPhone Photo Apps Together, Makes Multi-App Editing Simple

But what about when you want to make multiple edits using multiple apps? That’s a far more complicated process. And it’s the very problem PhotoAppLink aims to solve. Currently, in order to edit your photo in multiple apps, you have to save the edited photo to the camera roll each time as you move in between applications. But with PhotoAppLink-enabled apps, you can simply select another app to use from within your current app. From the PhotoAppLink interface, you tap the app you want to move to and it’s launched for you, photo edits intact. TechCrunch

Fancy UILabel

An UILabel with Hyperlink recognition. Since UILabel was being used for rendering the text, our approach for measuring text changed as well. Instead of controlling all the text layout, I had to adapt my code to use metrics and line breaking that matched those used in UILabel’s implementation. They call it reverse engineering, kids. Fancy UILabel Download code

Urban Airship

Push Notifications Easily send mobile messages to your customer’s phone. Rich Push Compose, send, and store visually rich messages through push. In-App Purchase Allows customers to purchase upgrades and new content directly (plus Auto-Renewables). Subscriptions Open up the subscription model for mobile without extra overhead. Build vs. Buy When it comes to back-end mobile app development, we do the heavy lifting – so you can focus on building more mobile apps. By using Urban Airship products, there’s no need to: Build and maintain your server infrastructure. Stay up-to-date on Apple, RIM & Google protocols. Hassle with monitoring feedback services. Keep your library fully updated as platforms change. Urban Airship

Appcelerator Titanium Autocomplete

I’ve been using Accelerator Titanium to create iPhone applications in JavaScript. One thing JavaScript is missing is really good editor with autocompletion / code completion. I recently found Aptana and wanted a way to autocomplete from the Titanium API in that. I’ve created ScriptDoc compatible JavaScript header file that does the job. - You can download the PHP file here that I use to create the JavaScript header file from the Titanium API JSON file . Run the PHP script in the same directory as the api.json file from Titanium. The Titanium Studio based on Aptana/Eclipse has code-completion included... james david low

An iOS Developer Takes on Android

Recently, we released the Android version of Meridian, our platform for building location-based apps. We didn’t use one of these “Cross Platform!” tools like Titanium. We wrote it, from scratch, in Java, like you do in Android. We decided it was important to keep the native stuff native, and to respect each platform’s conventions as much as possible. Nick Farina


ASIHTTPRequest is an easy to use wrapper around the CFNetwork API that makes some of the more tedious aspects of communicating with web servers easier. It is written in Objective-C and works in both Mac OS X and iPhone applications. It is suitable performing basic HTTP requests and interacting with REST-based services (GET / POST / PUT / DELETE). The included ASIFormDataRequest subclass makes it easy to submit POST data and files using  multipart/form-data . Features A straightforward interface for submitting data to and fetching data from webservers Download data to memory or directly to a file on disk The ability to submit files on local drives as part of POST data, compatible with the HTML file input mechanism Easy access to request and response HTTP headers Progress delegates (NSProgressIndicators and UIProgressViews) to show information about download AND upload progress Auto-magic management of upload and download progress indicators for operation queues Basic ,...

Blog: iOS and mobile development

Great resources and news on iOS & Android development Curated by Greg iOS and mobile development

iOS and Objective-C Primer

Nice primer: You'll need some knowledge of Xcode, Objective-C, Cocoa and UIKit. My goal is for this guide to help bridge the gap between having no knowledge of iOS development and having enough to start tackling more interesting projects. Design then Code

Include Keychain in Device Backup

Keychain (this includes email account passwords, Wi-Fi passwords, and passwords you enter into websites and some other applications. If you encrypt the backup with iOS 4 and later, the keychain information is transferred to the new device. With an unencrypted backup, the keychain can only be restored to the same iPhone or iPod touch. If you are restoring to a new device with an unencrypted backup, you will need to enter these passwords again.)

Using an existing sqlite database

iOS: Using a Pre-Populated SQLite Database with Core Data on iPhone OS 3.0 Android: Using an existing sqlite database in an Android application Titanium Appcelerator: Install a database from the application Resources folder (at build time) and return a reference to the opened database. it is safe to call this method multiple times since this method will only install once if it doesn't already exist on the device. Titanium.Database.install

Apple-Designer Esslinger

"Er führt ehrlich" Der legendäre Apple-Designer Hartmut Esslinger über seine Beziehung zu Steve Jobs und den Plan, der die Kultmarke einst vor dem Scheitern rettete. [..] Hartmut Esslinger: Die Verbindung [Schönheit von Computertechnik und Design] ist ziemlich jung, und der Trick besteht darin, dass der Designer verstehen muss, wie die Technik in ihrem Innern funktioniert. Erst danach kann man die Philosophie dieser Technik ausdrücken. [..] Esslinger: Der gute Designer kann sichtbar machen, was Technik im Hier und Jetzt vermag. Er schält heraus, was wirklich möglich ist. Das ist wie bei guter Musik. Ein genialer Musiker kann Dinge hören, die kein anderer hören kann, aber mit dem, was er tut, inspiriert er andere, die weniger kreativ sind. [..] Golem

API Validation

Starting in iOS 5.0 development tools beta 7, it is possible to extract APIs used by an application and have them checked for private APIs usage. This option will be offered at Validation time. iOS5 beta 7 Release Notes

Gesture Recognizer consumes touch events

A window delivers touch events to a gesture recognizer before it delivers them to the hit-tested view attached to the gesture recognizer. Generally, if a gesture recognizer analyzes the stream of touches in a multi-touch sequence and does not recognize its gesture, the view receives the full complement of touches. If a gesture recognizer recognizes its gesture, the remaining touches for the view are cancelled. The usual sequence of actions in gesture recognition follows a path determined by default values of the cancelsTouchesInView, delaysTouchesBegan, delaysTouchesEnded properties: cancelsTouchesInView — [If YES and] If a gesture recognizer recognizes its gesture, it unbinds the remaining touches of that gesture from their view (so the window won’t deliver them). The window cancels the previously delivered touches with a (touchesCancelled:withEvent:) message. If a gesture recognizer doesn’t recognize its gesture, the view receives all touches in the multi-touch sequence. Set ca...