- Enabling Optimizations
- Whole Module Optimizations (WMO)
- Reducing Dynamic Dispatch
- Dynamic Dispatch
- Advice: Use 'final' when you know the declaration does not need to be overridden
- Advice: Use 'private' and 'fileprivate' when declaration does not need to be accessed outside of file
- Advice: If WMO is enabled, use 'internal' when a declaration does not need to be accessed outside of module
- Using Container Types Efficiently
- Advice: Use value types in Array
- Advice: Use ContiguousArray with reference types when NSArray bridging is unnecessary
- Advice: Use inplace mutation instead of object-reassignment
- Wrapping operations
- Advice: Use wrapping integer arithmetic when you can prove that overflow cannot occur
- Generics
- Advice: Put generic declarations in the same module where they are used
- The cost of large Swift values
- Advice: Use copy-on-write semantics for large values
- Unsafe code
- Advice: Use unmanaged references to avoid reference counting overhead
- Protocols
- Advice: Mark protocols that are only satisfied by classes as class-protocols
- The Cost of Let/Var when Captured by Escaping Closures
- Advice: Pass var as an inout if closure not actually escaping
- Unsupported Optimization Attributes
So your apps just implemented a shiny new dark theme and it’s looking 👌 There are lots of benefits to having a dark theme in your application, and having it consistent throughout your application allows for a great user experience. But what happens when the the user runs into a WebView in your app? Support: if (WebViewFeature.isFeatureSupported(WebViewFeature.FORCE_DARK)) { ... } Set: WebSettingsCompat.setForceDark(webView.settings, WebSettingsCompat.FORCE_DARK_ON) Current setting: val forceDarkMode = WebSettingsCompat.getForceDark(webView.settings) Joe Birch Assuming your question is asking how to change the colors of the HTML content you are displaying in a WKWebView based on whether light or dark mode is in effect, there is nothing you do in your app's code. All changes need to be in the CSS being used by your HTML content. CSS dark mode via :root variables, explicit colors and @media query: :root { color-scheme: light dark; ...
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