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Backend-driven native UIs

Backend-drive native UIs

John Sundell Slide Share

Using Back-End Design to Create Customizable Front-End Mobile Experiences
By controlling the front end of mobile apps from the back end we can build customized experiences at runtime, creating cleaner interfaces and reducing load times.

Nithin Rao UX Magazine

The Hub Framework
The Hub Framework
Welcome to the Hub Framework - a toolkit for building native, component-driven UIs on iOS (no Android support released yet). It is designed to enable teams of any size to quickly build, tweak and ship new UI features, in either new or existing apps. It also makes it easy to build backend-driven UIs.

The Hub Framework has two core concepts - Components & Content Operations.


LeeGo: Build UI without UIView
LeeGo is a lightweight Swift framework that helps you decouple & modularise your UI component into small pieces of LEGO style's bricks, to make UI development declarative, configurable and highly reusable.

Wang Sheng Jia: GitHub

ComponentKit: A React-Inspired View Framework for iOS
ComponentKit is an Objective-C++ view framework for iOS that is heavily inspired by React.

ComponentKit takes a functional, declarative approach to building UI. It lets you focus on what your UI should look like, not the steps necessary to build it. It emphasizes a one-way data flow from immutable models to immutable components that describe how views should be configured. It does the heavy lifting of building a view hierarchy from this description.

The framework was built to power Facebook’s News Feed and is now used throughout the Facebook app.

Facebook: ComponentKit


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