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Showing posts from July, 2016

Crashes on Samsung when using Multidex

There is a severe issue with a broken multidex implementation on some Samsung 4.2.x devices: But there are workarounds: A special Proguard setting to minify your code Android MultiDex & How to Deal With it Use DexClassLoader instead of Multidex and the default class loader Remove MultiDex library and use DexClassLoader instead What are differences between DexClassLoader and PathClassLoader? Official Android Documentation: DexClassLoader A class loader that loads classes from .jar and .apk files containing a classes.dex entry. This can be used to execute code not installed as part of an application. DexClassLoader is instantiated to load the library from the extracted secondary dex file. PathClassLoader Provides a simple ClassLoader implem...

Android Intellij Plugins

Gradle Killer This plugin kills Gradle tasks using the system task manager with just one click.  No more struggling with "ps" or playing Russian roulette with "java.exe" processes! Just click the icon in the "Run" section and you're done!  ADB Idea Speedup your daily work with shortcuts: Uninstall App Kill App Start App Restart App Clear App Data Clear App Data and Restart CodeGlance Embeds a code minimap similar to the one found in Sublime into the editor pane. Works with both light and dark themes using your customized colors for syntax highlighting. Android Methods Count For all you guys that are troubled by multidex! A plugin to get information about the number of methods on Android libraries. AceJump AceJump allows you to quickly navigate the cursor to any position visible in the editor. See a demo of AceJump in action! Simply hit "ctrl+;", type a character, then type the matching character to Ace Jump. ...

The IBM Swift Package Catalog

The IBM Swift Package Catalog Create, share and discover the many new libraries, modules and packages being created since Swift moved to Open Source. How to get started? The IBM Swift Package Catalog enables the developer community to leverage and share code across projects Overview The Swift Package Catalog is just one of the ways IBM is radically simplifying end-to-end development Learn more Getting Started This tutorial provides an overview of the Swift Package Catalog and highlights some of the beta features Kitura This Kitura tutorial reviews how to create a Package.swift file for use with Kitura IBM developerWorks

Swift@IBM - Breaking down barriers between client and server all over the world

Try the new IBM Cloud Tools for Swift (Beta) For developers interested in creating Swift applications that span both client and server-side code, the newest tools from IBM can help simplify the management and deployment of server-side assets. Extend your mobile apps and connect them to IBM Bluemix Cloud services with a local development environment that complements the productive Xcode environment with the IBM Cloud Tools for Swift (beta) now available on IBM Bluemix. IBM Swift Sandbox Experiment with Swift on the server, share your code and collaborate with your peers Swift on IBM Bluemix Radically simplify end-to-end development of modern apps with Swift services on IBM Bluemix Kitura Build end-to-end apps using Swift with Kitura The IBM Swift Package Catalog Share Swift resources using the IBM Swift Package Catalog IBM developerWorks

DevOps for mobile apps challenges and best practices

Challenges Multi-platform support Mobile apps as an enterprise front end Continuous integration and continuous delivery The app store 'Pull' not 'push' deployment For consumer apps, failure is not an option 10 best practices for mobile DevOps Continuous integration and continuous delivery Ensure end-to-end traceability across all assets Practice continuous integration Maintain separate build and integration areas for each native mobile OS SDK version supported Use automated build and deploy scripts Testing and monitoring Test each build thoroughly with as much automation as possible, on simulated and physical devices Virtualize and simulate backend services that are not available during mobile app testing Monitor the performance of deployed mobile apps and backend services Mobile app delivery Employ centralized governance for mobile provisioning profiles, certificates, and API keys Use a virtual app store to test device deployment Convert...

Apple verkauft erneut weniger iPhones - aber mehr als erwartet

In den drei Monaten zuvor hatte es erstmals seit der Markteinführung des iPhones ein Minus gegeben, damals von gut 16 Prozent. Apple ist seit Jahren stark abhängig vom iPhone. Es steht für etwa zwei Drittel der gesamten Erlöse. Die Verkäufe der iPad-Tablets fielen zwar weiter - um neun Prozent auf 9,95 Millionen Geräte. Mit den teureren Modellen des iPad Pro stieg der Umsatz aber um sieben Prozent auf fast 4,9 Milliarden Dollar. Das war das erste Wachstum in dem Geschäft seit längerer Zeit. Golem

The New 'Must Haves' for Mobile Apps to Succeed Today

In the words of SC Moatti, former Facebook product leader, founder of Products That Count and author of the new book, Mobilized: An Insider's Guide to the Business and Future of Connected Technology, “Mobile has an entirely different resonance and cadence for users, which makes the development of mobile apps fundamentally different too.” RETHINK YOUR FUNNEL DEMONSTRATE YOUR VALUE, IMMEDIATELY DON’T SHOW TOO MUCH, DON’T ASK TOO MUCH KNOW WHEN TO ASK PERMISSION BUILD IT BEAUTIFUL MINIMIZE UNPREDICTABILITY IT COMES DOWN TO CULTURE First Round Review

PeekPop - Pre-iPhone 6S and 6S+

Peek and Pop Let your users preview all kinds of content and even act on it — without having to actually open it. Users can then press a little deeper to Pop into content in your app. Apple 3D Touch PeekPop Peek and Pop is a great new iOS feature introduced with iPhone 6S and 6S+ that allows you to easily preview content using 3D touch. Sadly, almost 80% of iOS users are on older devices. PeekPop is a Swift framework that brings backwards-compatibility to Peek and Pop. GitHub

Validating Receipts With the App Store

// Load the receipt from the app bundle. NSURL *receiptURL = [[NSBundle mainBundle] appStoreReceiptURL]; NSData *receipt = [NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:receiptURL]; if (!receipt) { /* No local receipt -- handle the error. */ } /* ... Send the receipt data to your server ... */ Apple Developer For an application purchased from the App Store, use this application bundle property to locate the receipt. This property makes no guarantee about whether there is a file at the URL—only that if a receipt is present, that is its location. Apple API Reference Quantity Product Identifier Transaction Identifier Original Transaction Identifier Purchase Date Original Purchase Date Subscription Expiration Date Cancellation Date App Item ID External Version Identifier Web Order Line Item ID In-App Purchase Receipt Fields A helper class for verifying App Store receipts under iOS. VerifyStoreReceiptiOS
LazyPages is a highly customizable library that helps you to show a scrollable list of view controllers synchronized with an index. It is written in Swift 2.2 for iOS 8+. Like Scrollable Tabs in Android. GitHub

Slow App Startup Times

Apple suggest to aim for a total app launch time of under 400ms and you must do it in less than 20 seconds or the system will kill your app. You control what your application delegate does but how do you debug slow startup times that happen before your code is even called? Here is a tip from WWDC 2016 that might help: To try it out add the environment variable DYLD_PRINT_STATISTICS to your project scheme with a value of 1. User Your Loaf

Weltweiter Smartwatch-Markt bricht um ein Drittel ein

Apple still has a market share of 47%, followed by Samsung 16%. Everybody is waiting for the Fall Apple Special event and the new Apple Watch! Top Five Smartwatch Vendors, Shipments, Market Share and Year-Over-Year Growth, 2Q 2016 (Units in Millions) Vendor 2Q16 Unit Shipments 2Q16 Market Share 2Q15 Unit Shipments 2Q15 Market Share Year-Over- Year Growth 1. Apple 1.6 47% 3.6 72% -55% 2. Samsung 0.6 16% 0.4 7% 51% 3. Lenovo 0.3 9% 0.2 3% 75% 4. LG Electronics 0.3 8% 0.2 4% 26% 5. Garmin 0.1 4% 0.1 2% 25% Others 0.6 16% 0.6 11% -1% Total 3.5 100% 5.1 100% -32% Source: IDC Worldwide Quarterly Wearable Device Tracker, July 21, 2016 Golem IDC

iOS Testing: UI Testing Cheat Sheet and Examples

Shortly after Apple's "Hey Siri" event the Xcode 7 GM was released to developers. Let's put the betas behind us and take a look at some real world UI Testing examples. The examples all use a test host that helps you manage your volleyball team. The app, Volley, lets the user manage the team roster, adjust the formation, and view game results. Feel free to take a look at the source code before continuing along to familiarize yourself with how it works. Additional topics covered: UI Testing with Stubbed Network Data Three Ways UI Testing Just Made Test-Driven Development Even Better UI Testing in Xcode 7 Apple Developer UI Tests with Xcode 7 Appium vs. UI Tests

Great Apps Timeline

See how the LOOK of some of the great apps changed over time Instagram uber WhatsApp LinkedIn PayPa soundcloud foursquare Pinterest

What’s New in Subscriptions

All App Categories Eligible 85% Revenue After One Year Territory Pricing and Expanded Subscription Price Tiers Keep Subscribers at Their Existing Price Starting this fall, apps using the auto-renewable subscription model will be able to keep active subscribers at their existing price while increasing the price for new users.  Subscription Level Changes Within each subscription group, you can offer different levels of service (for example, basic, premium, and pro memberships) as well as durations (such as weekly, monthly, or annually). Apple Developer

Super Spectacular Server-Side Swift! Edward Jiang

Now that Swift is open-source and cross-platform, several teams are racing to make Swift a viable language for web development. The major frameworks, Perfect, Vapor, and IBM’s Kitura, have over 13,000 stars on GitHub, and are growing quickly! Join us as we talk about the different frameworks, their pros and cons, and an introduction for how to get started with developing in server side Swift. (Several of the frameworks are even solely for Swift 3!) Join Edward for a live coding demo and even deploy a Swift application to the cloud!