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Showing posts from June, 2013

Roundup: App Marketing 2013

81% of app developers said that they would not abandon their app despite the same amount not making enough money to support a standalone business… More developers are not breaking even in 2013 [67%] compared to 2012 [59%]… Most Android developers [73%] are not breaking even and are 4 times more likely [41%] to have zero revenue compared to iOS [58% and 10% respectively]… Alex Curylo

Kostenlose Mobile-3d-Engine von Havok verfügbar

Das irische Unternehmen Havok, eine Tochter von Intel, hat eine Engine namens Project Anarchy veröffentlicht. Sie ist primär für die Entwicklung von Spielen und anderen Apps für mobile Plattformen gedacht und unterstützt iOS, Android und Tizen. Der Einsatz sei in den meisten Fällen kostenlos, aber an bestimmte Bedingungen geknüpft, sagt Havok. Golem Project Anarchy

HTML Inline Image and Audio Files

You can transport binary data inside HTML for images and audio files, too: img src="data:image/png;base64, (+base64 encoded image data) " audio controls="controls" preload="auto"    source type="audio/mpeg" src="data:audio/mpeg;base64, (+base64 encoded audio data iso-8859-1)" The "data" URL scheme By the way, you can base64 encode files via Mac Terminal: > openssl base64 -in infile .out outfile

The Offline (Beer-)Glass

A glass that only stands up straigt if it rests on a cell phone :)

Creating easy-to-read short links to the App Store for your apps and company

You can also create easy-to-read links to your app using App Store Short Links, which use the base URL plus a specific form of your app or company name. These short links are ideal for use in offline communications materials like print ads, TV spots, app trailers, radio ads and billboards where you need a memorable URL. Note: Previously, short links were available using the URL. replaces links will continue to work but should be updated as soon as feasible. There are three types of App Store Short Links, in two forms, one for iOS apps, another for Mac Apps: Company Name iOS: for example, Mac: for example, App Name iOS: for example, Mac: for example, App by Company iOS: / for example...

Transferring Your Apps in iTunes Connect

You can now transfer qualifying apps to another account — useful in cases of an acquisition or asset purchase. When you transfer an app, it will remain available on the App Store or Mac App Store, all ratings and reviews will carry over, and users will continue to have access to future updates. For more details, sign in to iTunes Connect .

Create Bots for Continuous Integration in Xcode 5

By taking advantage of the new Xcode service in OS X Server, you can now create bots to automate the integration process of building, analyzing, testing, and archiving in just a few clicks. Bots are a great way to generate regular releases for your QA team, provide useful alerts, and test apps for any device-specific bugs. For more details, see What's New in Xcode .

The next Cinema Display - Wishlist

What I really would love to see: A new Apple Cinema Display 2013 with external graphics card - or even better an external graphics card slot and thunderbolt connector. Then the MacBook Air is the one to go for! Compatibility with Windows appreciated :)

weinre - Web Inspector Remote

weinre is a debugger for web pages, like FireBug (for FireFox) and Web Inspector (for WebKit-based browsers), except it's designed to work remotely, and in particular, to allow you debug web pages on a mobile device such as a phone. weinre

Untar with libarchive or pragmatic?

LibArchive (and bz2lib) as static libraries for iOS. iOS-libarchive Why not using libarchive? With libarchive: We add code dependencies to our project. These dependencies need to be updated. More lines of code means more bugs. According to Steve McConnell’s “Code Complete”, there are on average between 15 and 50 bugs per KLOC (Kilo line of code), so if I take a calculator and make rocket science estimation, there are 5000 bugs in libarchive. If Apple changes an API and break libarchive compatibility, your code will not stay reliable. Is there another way? What if I must push my app in the app store but don’t want to link this 4.7MB of hardly-maintainable code? Let’s code my own light and pragmatic untar implementation. Untar on iOS, the pragmatic way

j2obc - A Java to iOS Objective-C translation tool and runtime

What J2ObjC Is J2ObjC is an open-source command-line tool from Google that translates Java code to Objective-C for the iOS (iPhone/iPad) platform. This tool enables Java code to be part of an iOS application's build, as no editing of the generated files is necessary. The goal is to write an app's non-UI code (such as data access, or application logic) in Java, which is then shared by web apps (using GWT), Android apps, and iOS apps. J2ObjC supports most Java language and runtime features required by client-side application developers, including exceptions, inner and anonymous classes, generic types, threads and reflection. JUnit test translation and execution is also supported. J2ObjC is currently between alpha and beta quality. Several Google projects rely on it, but when new projects first start working with it, they usually find new bugs to be fixed. Apparently every Java developer has a slightly different way of using Java, and the tool hasn't translated all possib...

xcodebuild and iOS 6 fix

Fix 'Terminating since there is no workspace' This error used to prevent specs from being run on the iOS 6 simulator unless you used a tool like waxsim Fool the simulator into thinking a workspace is present by creating a message port named 'PurpleWorkspacePort' if it doesn't exist. - Stub out -[UIWindow _createContext] because this throws an NSInternalConsistency error. GitHub