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Kotlin for iOS and Kotlin/ktor as Web backend framework

Kotlin/Native Tech Preview: Kotlin without a VM

We are happy to announce the first Technology Preview of Kotlin/Native that compiles Kotlin directly to machine code. The Kotlin/Native compiler produces standalone executables that can run without any virtual machine.

Kotlin/Native uses the LLVM compiler infrastructure to generate machine code. In this preview, we support the following target platforms:

  • Mac OS X 10.10 and later (x86-64)
  • x86-64 Ubuntu Linux (14.04, 16.04 and later), other Linux flavours may work as well
  • Apple iOS (arm64), cross-compiled on MacOS X host
  • Raspberry Pi, cross-compiled on Linux host


Ktor is a framework for quickly creating web applications in Kotlin programming language with minimal effort.

This web site provides a complete reference to the Ktor application structure, programing interface and how to approach particular tasks.



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