New in iOS8 you can now launch the Settings app and show your apps settings: UIApplication.sharedApplication().openURL(NSURL(string: UIApplicationOpenSettingsURLString)!)
Dabei erwarten die Meinungsforscher 2018 einen Marktanteil von 80 Prozent für Android-Geräte, 12,8 Prozent für iPhones, sowie 5,6 Prozent für Windows-Phones, wobei letztere mit der stärksten Wachstumsrate von 31,4 Prozent den größten Zuwachs verzeichnen. Golem
Apple — which ironically now offers more models of its iPad tablet than ever before — will ship 64.9 million iPad tablets in 2014, a decline of 12.7% on the total number of shipments a year ago. The bigger tablet market will see shipments of 235.7 million units, growth of 7.2% over 2013. TechCrunch
Pocket’s data suggests that users are eager to pick up larger-screened devices when it’s time to read or watch, but it’s also possible these numbers are skewed by the kind of early excitement that comes with any new device – people always lavish the most attention on their newest toys, after all. But this is one of the first solid data-driven indicators that new big-screened iPhones could be cannibalizing iPad sales, so it’s worth watching to see how these numbers evolve over time. TechCrunch
So if you want to upload to TestFlight what can you do? Well the solution offered by anyone I’ve seen blogging about it is to go make your own IPA using xcrun. That doesn’t sound so bad until you end up with code signing and keychain issues and it’s all to do something that is about to happen as soon as you’re done anyway. My solution was to just wait until the IPA file was made. My initial naive attempts were to schedule the upload from the post-archive script using at or simply adding a delay for some amount of time while the IPA file didn’t exist. What I should have realised though is that the Bot will wait as long as I’m waiting and only when my script finishes will it continue and make the IPA file. Michael Behan
Apple allows opt-out trials for auto-renewables: 1 month auto-renewable, available trials: 7 days 1 month 3 month auto-renewable, available trials: 1 month 1 year auto-renewable, available trials: 1 month, 2 months, 3 months See iTunes Connect