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Showing posts from November, 2014

17 (+1) Testing Tools for Mobile UX

Userlytics Applause Appsee Swrve Loop 11 Arise SimpleUsability's beMobile Keynote UserZoom Apperian Mr. Tappy Lookback Watchsend Apptimize Leanplum Amazon A/B Testing Vessel Optimzely KISSMetrics My favorites: The heatmap of Appsee Amazon A/B Testing  *free* for iOS, Android and Amazon

Fabric, a modular mobile platform that makes it easy for developers to build great apps

Today at Flight, we announced Fabric, a modular mobile platform that makes it easy for developers to build great apps. The Fabric platform is made of three modular kits that address some of the most common and pervasive challenges that all app developers face: stability, distribution, revenue and identity. It combines the services of Crashlytics, MoPub, Twitter and others to help you build more stable apps, generate revenue through the world’s largest mobile ad exchange and enable you to tap into Twitter’s sign-in systems and rich streams of real-time content for greater distribution and simpler identity. And Fabric was built with ease of use in mind. Installation takes just minutes, and most features only require a few lines of code – so you spend less time managing SDKs and more time building the best experience for your users. Blog Twitter

The End of the Apps as we now them

The experience of our primary mobile screen being a bank of app icons that lead to independent destinations is dying. And that changes what we need to design and build. The idea of having a screen full of icons, representing independent apps, that need to be opened to experience them, is making less and less sense. The idea that these apps sit in the background, pushing content into a central experience, is making more and more sense. That central experience may be something that looks like a notification centre today, or something similar to Google Now, or something entirely new.

PageFlow - Das Tool für multimediales Story Telling

Scroll position dependent animations and actions. Nice animation engine. Open Source Der Quelltext von Pageflow steht auf der Open Source Platform GitHub zur Verfügung. Er kann dort von jedem eingesehen, verwendet und erweitert werden. Hosted-Pageflow Wer direkt loslegen und Pageflow nicht selbst installieren will, sollte unseren Hosting-Dienst probieren. Trial Accounts sind kostenlos und unverbindlich. PageFlow