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iTunes Connect App Statuses

See Apple Managing Your Apps

Table 9-1  iTunes Connect app statuses
Status Name
../Art/status_yellow.pngPrepare For UploadAppears as the first status for your app. This status means that you should enter or edit metadata, screenshots, pricing, In-App Purchases, Game Center, iAd Network settings, and so on, to prepare your app for upload to the App Store.X
../Art/status_yellow.pngWaiting For UploadAppears when you’ve completed entering your metadata and indicated that you are ready to submit your binary, however, you have not finished uploading your binary through Application Loader. Your app must be Waiting For Upload for you to be able to deliver your binary through Application Loader.X
../Art/status_yellow.pngWaiting For ReviewAppears after you submit a new app or update and before the app is reviewed by Apple. This status means that your app has been added to the app review queue but has not yet started the review process. Because it takes time to review binaries, keep in mind that this state does not indicate that your app is currently being reviewed.
While your app is waiting for review, you can:
  • Reject your binary to remove it from the Apple review queue
  • Edit certain app information
../Art/status_yellow.pngIn ReviewAppears when Apple is currently reviewing your app before the app is rejected or approved. Note that it takes time to review binaries. We appreciate your patience and ask that you allow sufficient time for the processing of your app.
../Art/status_yellow.pngPending ContractAppears when your app has been reviewed and is ready for sale but your contracts are not yet in effect. You can check the progress of your contracts in the Contracts, Tax & Banking module. See“Managing Contracts, Taxes, and Banking.”
../Art/status_yellow.pngWaiting For Export ComplianceAppears when your CCATS file is in review with Export Compliance.X
../Art/status_yellow.pngUpload ReceivedAppears when your binary has been received through Application Loader but has not yet completed processing into the iTunes Connect system. If your app has been in the Upload Received status for more than 24 hours, you should contact iTunes Connect Support through the iTunes Connect Contact Us module.X
../Art/status_yellow.pngPending Developer ReleaseAppears when your app version has been approved by Apple and you have chosen to set your version release control. Release it to the App Store when you are ready. To release your app to the App Store, click the Release This Version button on the app’s Version Details page within Manage Your Apps.
../Art/status_yellow.pngProcessing for App StoreAppears when your binary is being processed and will be ready for sale within 24 hours.
../Art/status_yellow.pngPending Apple ReleaseAppears when your app version will be held by Apple until the corresponding Apple iOS or OS version is released to the public.
../Art/status_green.pngReady For SaleAppears after the binary has been approved and the app is posted to the App Store. When your app is in this state, you have the option to remove it from the store by going to the “Rights and Pricing” page and removing all App Store territories. See “Removing an App from Sale.”
../Art/status_red.pngRejectedAppears when the binary has not passed review. You receive a communication from App Review in the Resolution Center regarding the reason for the rejection.X
../Art/status_red.pngMetadata RejectedAppears when specific metadata items aside from your binary have not passed review. To resolve the issue, edit the metadata in iTunes Connect and your existing binary is then reused for the review process. You receive a communication from App Review in the Resolution Center regarding the reason for the metadata rejection.X
../Art/status_red.pngRemoved From SaleAppears when your app has been removed from the App Store.
../Art/status_red.pngDeveloper RejectedAppears when you’ve rejected the binary from the review process. Choosing the Developer Rejected status removes your app from the review queue. After you resubmit your binary, the app review process starts over from the beginning.X
../Art/status_red.pngDeveloper Removed From SaleAppears when you’ve removed the app from the App Store. See“Removing an App from Sale” and “Putting an App Back on Sale.”
../Art/status_red.pngInvalid BinaryAppears when your binary has been received through Application Loader but did not meet all requirements for upload. You receive an email detailing the issue with your binary and showing how to resolve it. To resend the resolved binary, go into iTunes Connect and click Ready to Upload Binary again. This action sets your app back to the Waiting For Upload state so that you can resend the binary through Application Loader.X
../Art/status_red.pngMissing ScreenshotAvailable for iOS apps only. Appears when your app is missing a required screenshot for iPhone and iPod touch or iPad for your default language app or for your added localizations. At least one screenshot is required for both iPhone and iPod touch, and for iPad if you are submitting a universal app.
Click the number next to the status to view a list of the territories in which a screenshot is missing.


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