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Showing posts from January, 2012

Exceptions and Errors on iOS

Cocoa, and by inheritance Cocoa Touch on iOS makes a clear distinction between what is an exception, and what is an error in your application. This should be obvious since NSException and NSError both inherit from the NSObject root class with no relations at all. Jayway Team Blog

“Auto-renewable Subscription” kündigen

Bieten Sie Ihre Kiosk-App in Apples Zeitungskiosk an, so haben Sie dafür ein Abonnement als In-App-Kauf angelegt. Wahrscheinlich haben Sie das Abo als “auto-renewable subscription” eingerichtet, so dass es sich für Ihre Leser automatisch verlängert, wenn sie es nicht 24-Stunden vor Ende der Abo-Periode kündigen. Viele iPad-Nutzer empfinden das als “Abo-Falle” oder Bevormundung. Noch schlimmer ist es, wenn die Nutzer nicht wissen, wie Sie die automatische Verlängerung verhindern können. Daher sollten Sie Ihre Kunden transparent informieren, wie sie das Abonnement kündigen können — und sich selbst mit dem Vorgang auseinander setzen, falls Ihre Abonnenten Sie danach fragen.

Interesting Statistics


Apple Reports Best Quarter Ever in Q1 2012: $13.06 Billion Profit on $46.33 Billion in Revenue

Apple today announced financial results for the fourth calendar quarter of 2011 and first fiscal quarter of 2012. For the quarter, Apple posted revenue of $46.33 billion and net quarterly profit of $13.06 billion, or $13.87 per diluted share, compared to revenue of $26.7 billion and net quarterly profit of $6 billion, or $6.43 per diluted share, in the year-ago quarter. Gross margin was 44.7 percent, compared to 38.5 percent in the year-ago quarter, and international sales accounted for 58 percent of the quarter's revenue. Apple's quarterly profit and revenue were both company records. MacRumors

iOS Unit Testing and Frameworks

Over the past weekend I set out to integrate a unit test framework into my current project. I ended up testing three different frameworks: OCUnit Google Toolbox for Mac (GTM) iPhone Unit Testing GHUnit I will provide a brief overview and pros and cons to each framework and my final conclusion. iPhone Unit Testing Explained – Part 1

3D printing with iOS


BringButler - Order food from local providers



Source Code Beautifier for C, C++, C#, ObjectiveC, D, Java, Pawn and VALA Uncrustify Using with Xcode 4 Xcode-4-Uncrustify-Automator-Services Code Formatting in Xcode 4