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Showing posts from June, 2022

Judo App - Server Driven UI out of the box

Judo App Judo brings server-driven UI to your iOS and Android apps. Build user interfaces visually in a fraction of time and publish them instantly without submitting to the app store. Build Experiences - With No Code The Judo app for macOS, available through the App Store, is built for design professionals with common keyboard shortcuts and familiar concepts like canvas, layers and inspector panel. Workflow is streamlined with the ability to drag and drop media files directly into your experiences and manage your own Judo files in Finder. Manage Creative Execution A Judo experience is interactive and can include text, images, video and buttons. An experience may be part of a screen, a single screen, or more typically multiple linked screens. Judo supports screen transitions, carousels, horizontal scrolling and modals. Clients can add custom fonts and define global colors and these are updates applied universally. Effortlessly Deploy Judo Cloud syncs your experiences with your iOS and ...

Bundeskartellamt prüft Apples Tracking-Regelungen für Dritt-Apps (ATT, App Tracking Transparency Framework)

Das Bundeskartellamt hat gegen das Technologieunternehmen Apple ein Verfahren zur kartellrechtlichen Prüfung seiner Tracking-Regelungen sowie des App Tracking Transparency Framework eingeleitet. Das Bundeskartellamt geht dabei insbesondere dem Anfangsverdacht nach, dass diese Regelungen Apples eigene Angebote bevorzugt behandeln und/oder andere Unternehmen behindern könnten. 14.06.2022 Pressemeldung Bundeskartellamt