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Showing posts from April, 2016

Independent Apple Watch

Upcoming Requirement for watchOS Apps April 22, 2016 - Starting June 1, 2016, all new watchOS apps submitted to the App Store must be native apps built with the watchOS 2 SDK or later. Developer Apple Looks like the new Apple Watch might be independent from the iPhone. Die nächste Generation der Apple Watch ist in Arbeit und es gibt erste Hinweise auf die Neuerungen. So soll die Smartwatch einen schnelleren Prozessor und Mobilfunktechnik erhalten. Golem

Android Material Design Icon Generator Plugin

This plugin help you to set material design icons to your Android project. GitHub konifar

Agera - Reactive Programming for Android

Agera is a set of classes and interfaces to help write functional, asynchronous, and reactive applications for Android. Requires Android SDK version 9 or higher. GitHub Google

TextAttributes - An easier way to compose attributed strings

TextAttributes makes it easy to compose attributed strings. let attrs = TextAttributes()     .font(name: "HelveticaNeue", size: 16)     .foregroundColor(white: 0.2, alpha: 1)     .lineHeightMultiple(1.5) NSAttributedString("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog", attributes: attrs) Features Strongly typed properties Chainable setter methods A direct access to the NSParagraphStyle properties Better autocompletion TextAttributes GitHub

Designing for Mobile Micro-Moments: Principles of Mobile App Design: Engage Users and Drive Conversions

Principles of Mobile App Design: Engage Users and Drive Conversions In a crowded market, how does an app attract new customers, gain loyalty, and deliver value? With great design for a delightful app experience. Here, Google's UX Research Lead Jenny Gove will take you through 25 principles to build an app that helps users achieve what they’re looking to do. Think With Google

I show you mine if you show me yours first - Our current Android and iOS Stack

Something from our internal  WeltN24  native apps lab: We just setup a new app from scratch, which puts us in the nice position of incoroporating the latest frameworks an pattern. We go for a Reactive and MVP approach. Please find below some details. I would be happy to hear about your choices - please leave a comment! Android iOS OS Android 4.1 (4.0.3+) API Level 16 iOS 8 Language Kotlin 1.0, with fallback to Java where necessary Swift 2.1.1 Pattern Reactive & MVP Reactive and MVVM Libs AndroidRx Dagger 2 Retrofit 2 Dbflow Glide Crashlytics JW-Player Gson Interstellar Dependency Injection (custom) JW-Player Alamofire JW Player Carlos BrightFutures ObjectMapper (custom) Testing JUnit Mockito / PowerMock & Hamcr...