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Showing posts from March, 2012

HTML5 might be the future of web apps, but the new mobile standard hasn’t gotten much play in the car. TeleNav’s Scout division aims to change that with a new navigation system that offers voice-prompted, turn-by-turn directions through your mobile browser. And even better, it’s free. You can even integrate the service in your own service! Wired

iOS Mask Icons

You will find the iOS mask icons at /Applications/

Boot Champ

BootChamp sits in the menu bar and provides an easy way to restart into your Windows Boot Camp partition without having to hold down the Option key at startup or change the Startup Disk. Kainjow

Save any UIView to PNG files

Nice code snippet CocoaBob Apple Developer Technical Q&A [UIImageJPEGRepresentation(image, 1.0) writeToFile:jpgPath atomically:YES]; [UIImagePNGRepresentation(image) writeToFile:pngPath atomically:YES];

Git Overview

What this isn’t: a Git tutorial. It doesn’t tell you how to set up git, or use it. I don’t cover branches, or merging, or tags, or blobs. There are dozens of really great articles about Git on the web; here are some. What’s here are just some pictures that aren’t about branches or blobs, that I wished I’d been able to look at six months ago when I was trying to figure this stuff out; I still haven’t seen them elsewhere, so here they are now. Oliver Steele

How to setup a Mac Mini Media Center, server, and remote torrents box

Mac Mini’s make awesome little media centers since they are so small and have more features than an AppleTV. Following the below guide you will be able to do the following with a Mac Mini: Watch HD movies, videos, view photos, listen to music, and view weather from your couch on your TV. Watch Hulu, YouTube, and any other streaming online video on your TV Add & delete torrents to download onto the Mac Mini, remotely Control the media center via your iPhone Watch the movies stored on your Mac Mini on your iPhone Serve websites from your Mini to the world Browse the web, play games, and use your Mac Mini on a TV from your couch, wirelessly OS X Daily

iPad 3 Apps

iTunes Store


iOSImpact is a set of Objective-C classes and some additional JavaScript that makes it possible to run Impact games on iOS devices without a UIWebView. It loads your JavaScript game source and executes it, but instead of rendering to a Canvas element on an HTML page, it renders to something like a Canvas element that is implemented in Objective-C with OpenGL. iOS and JavaScript - for Real this Time! iOSImpact Overview

Augmented Reality

Marvels Superhelden springen aus Comicheften Aurasma Virtual Browser and virtual world hands-on Aurasma Demo Aurasma

Open specific areas of Settings

In iOS 5, Apple made it possible to go directly to the settings area you wanted with one URL call. This can be done in your own application using: [[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"prefs:root=TWITTER"]]; BurnSoft GitHub See e.g. German Settings: Plist

Apple Configurator

Apple Configurator makes it easy for anyone to mass configure and deploy iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch in a school, business, or institution. iTunes

iOS Development Tutorials

A nice collection of tutorials covering: Beginning iPhone Programming iOS 5 Tutorials Beginning Game Programming with Cocos2D Advanced Game Programming with OpenGL Other Game Engines Game Physics Saving and Loading Data Graphics and Animation Network Programming Making Money Audio iPad Development 3rd Party Libraries Other iPhone Tutorials Ray Wenderlich

How to choose an XML parser

A nice compare between browsers in the categories: SAX vs. DOM Speed Memory consumption Write/Read only My Favourite: KissXML Ray Wenderlich

Working with Source Control

The 10 commandments of good source control management 1. Stop right now if you’re using VSS – just stop it! 2. If it’s not in source control, it doesn’t exist 3. Commit early, commit often and don’t spare the horses 4. Always inspect your changes before committing 5. Remember the axe-murderer when writing commit messages 6. You must commit your own changes – you can’t delegate it 7. Versioning your database isn’t optional 8. Compilation output does not belong in source control 9. Nobody else cares about your personal user settings 10. Dependencies need a home too DZone


Touchposé is a set of classes for iOS that renders screen touches when a device is connected to a mirrored display. Touchposé adds a transparent overlay to your app’s UI; all touch events cause semi-transparent circles to be rendered on the overlay--an essential tool when demoing an app with a projector (with an iPad 2 or iPhone 4S). GitHub