Enabling Optimizations Whole Module Optimizations (WMO) Reducing Dynamic Dispatch Dynamic Dispatch Advice: Use 'final' when you know the declaration does not need to be overridden Advice: Use 'private' and 'fileprivate' when declaration does not need to be accessed outside of file Advice: If WMO is enabled, use 'internal' when a declaration does not need to be accessed outside of module Using Container Types Efficiently Advice: Use value types in Array Advice: Use ContiguousArray with reference types when NSArray bridging is unnecessary Advice: Use inplace mutation instead of object-reassignment Wrapping operations Advice: Use wrapping integer arithmetic when you can prove that overflow cannot occur Generics Advice: Put generic declarations in the same module where they are used The cost of large Swift values Advice: Use copy-on-write semantics for large values Unsafe code Advice: Use unmanaged references to avoid reference counting overhead Protocols Ad...
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