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Showing posts from September, 2018

Working natively with JavaScript in iOS and Android without WebView

Using JavaScript code from native code without using a WebView (sic!) can be really useful to introduce dynamic functionality that was updatable without need of updating the app shorter iteration cycles share code between backend and native iOS and Android apps You can have business logic provided by a JavaScript that then controls the app that inject native functionality in the JavaScript context. You could even write an A/B testing framework based on this approach. iOS iOS offers the native JavaScriptCore: Evaluate JavaScript programs from within an app, and support JavaScript scripting of your app. So you can evaluate a script and read its return value natively: context.evaluateScript(myLib); let result = context.evaluateScript("myFunction();") let myFunction = context.objectForKeyedSubscription("myFunction"); let parametrizedResult = myFunction.invokeMethod(...) Or you can inject a native object into the JavaScript engine: @objc protoco...

Harvard: Open Plan Offices Are Now the Dumbest Management Fad of All Time

It's Official: Open Plan Offices Are Now the Dumbest Management Fad of All Time A new study from Harvard showed that when employees move from a traditional office to an open plan office, it doesn't cause them to interact more socially or more frequently. Instead, the opposite happens. They start using email and messaging with much greater frequency than before. In other words, even if collaboration were a great idea (it's a questionable notion), open plan offices are the worst possible way to make it happen. Previous studies of open plan offices have shown that they make people less productive, but most of those studies gave lip service to the notion that open plan offices would increase collaboration, thereby offsetting the damage. The Harvard study, by contrast, undercuts the entire premise that justifies the fad. And that leaves companies with only one justification for moving to an open plan office: less floor space, and therefore a lower rent. Resear...